The County Court Unit is responsible for handling all misdemeanor, traffic misdemeanor, and petty offenses in the jurisdiction. Charges can include misdemeanors like Assault, Child Abuse, Dangerous Animals, Disorderly Conduct, Domestic Violence, Forgery, Harassment, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Theft, Trespass, Violation of a Protection Order, Prohibited Use of Weapons, and Wildlife crimes. Traffic misdemeanors include offenses like Careless Driving, Driving Under the Influence, Driving Without Insurance, Habitual Traffic Offenders, Hit and Run, Reckless Driving, and Speeding significantly above the speed limit. Penalties for a county court offense can range from fines to up to a year in the county jail.  The County Court Unit is the largest unit if the Office, handling over 11,000 cases per year across 6 different courtrooms in Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln counties.

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