The Criminal Investigations Unit is the investigative arm of the office. The investigators and legal staff in this unit support the prosecution teams by following up on newly discovered leads in ongoing cases; interviewing newly endorsed witnesses; and conducting expanded investigations after local law enforcement has filed a case.
This unit consists of Investigators who are P.O.S.T. certified peace officers, each with extensive law enforcement experience. Many of these officers have specialized expertise unique and nuanced aspects of criminal investigation.

DA Investigators provide a variety of services to the office and to outside agencies. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Assisting local law enforcement agencies
  • Investigating local officials and conflict of interest cases
  • Completing further investigations on felony cases accepted by the DA’s Office
  • Examining Cold Case Files
  • Acting as a liaison between law enforcement and the DA’s Office
  • Providing protection to victims/witnesses and Deputy District Attorneys

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