“To be informed, present, and heard…”

The State of Colorado affords rights to victims ofcertain crimes through a law called The Victim Rights Act (VRA) (Section 24-4.1-302(1) C.R.S.). The VRA ensures that victims of crime are treated with fairness, respect, and dignity and that victims are free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse. Access a full list of the crimes that fall under the VRA.

The statute outlines the responsibilities of all criminal justice agencies and provides a way for victims to file a claim if they believe an agency has failed to uphold their victim rights. Read more about the Victim Rights Act in the Colorado Crime Victim Rights Brochure.

If you are a victim of a crime listed under the Victim’s Rights Act, you have the right to be informed by our office about your case, present at court hearings and heard by the Court at critical hearings throughout the process. Your Victim Witness Specialist is available to answer questions you may have about upcoming hearings and will help you prepare for critical stages where you might wish to speak directly to the Court.

While every effort is made to ensure victims’ rights, the court is responsible for ensuring these rights do not infringe on the constitutional rights of the accused.

Enforcing Your Rights

If you feel you have not received the rights afforded to you by law, please contact your Victim Witness Specialist for help in resolving this problem.

Should you need additional assistance, or if you wish to file a complaint, contact the Governor’s Victims’ Coordinating Committee at the Division of Criminal Justice, Office for Victims’ Programs at (303) 239-4497.

Post Sentencing Notification and Information

While the District Attorney’s Office automatically notifies VRA victims of critical court stages, other agencies can provide notifications after a defendant has been sentenced. Some agencies have automatic enrollment, while others are opt-in programs in which victims have to request to be notified of changes on the defendant’s status.

Opt-In Programs

Automatic Enrollment Notifications:

23rd Judicial District Attorney Victim/Witness Units


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